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830% Social Value Return on ADHB Programme Investment

The Integrated Services Agreement (ISA) is an ADHB programme that provides funding for three Pacific Primary Care Providers to partner with Pacific households and support families to access a wider range of health and social services, more easily.

Alliance Health Plus Trust engaged Impact Lab, Chaired by Sir Bill English, to demonstrate what we have instinctively known about the ISA programme for some time; that the value of the encounters and Fanau Ola health plans developed with Pacific and high needs Central Auckland families, is far greater than the cost of providing those services.

We engaged Impact Lab to apply a reputable and robust framework to confirm our initial determination and to support the scaling up of this investment by ADHB.

Impact Lab evaluates the Social Value of a programme by measuring the impact on a participating individual’s wellbeing as well as avoided down-stream cost to the Government.

The Impact Lab draws on the NZ Treasury’s Living Standards framework and insights from the Statistics NZ’s Integrated Data Infrastructure (IDI). A global literature review and evidence as to programme effectiveness is then applied to assess Social Value.[1]Impact Lab analysed data from the 2018/19 year, during which Alliance Health Plus’s three ISA Service Providers delivered support to 298 Pacific families, predominantly living in Central Auckland, by assessing their level of need and then applying 4,831 funded interventions to address the social determinants of health impacting on the health and wellbeing of those enrolled families.

The Impact Lab Social Value determination of the investment in the programme concluded that for every $1 invested (Service Delivery + Management), there was a return of $8.30. This equates to:

$6.96m or 8.3 times the annual programme investment.

DOWNLOAD a copy of the Summary Report:

AH+ Impact Lab Summary Report
Download PDF • 464KB

[1] Social Value is a measure of the lifetime value associated with the people who are in the program by the end of the year in scope. This means the Return on Investment (ROI) is not additive year-on-year but rather it is a "point in time" measure of the lifetime ROI of the program for families’ currently accessing service. The ROI will fluctuate each year depending on the level of investment and the number of families supported.

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