Our deepest sympathy, love & support...
“E avatu malū i puega ni finagalo o e ua mafatia ona o lenei fa’alavelave” (Samoan)
(Condolences to all the victims’ families who have lost their loved ones due to this terrible event)
The Alliance Health Plus family is greatly saddened by the events that took place in Christchurch on Friday. We join with the rest of the country in sending our deepest sympathy, love and support to the Muslim community - especially the families directly impacted by the attack - and to all people of Christchurch.
We also acknowledge and send our sincere thanks to all first responders, the police and hospital staff for their bravery and selflessness in the face of danger.
We know that many of our network staff have connections and family in Christchurch and our heartfelt thoughts are with you at this time.
If any practices require additional information in order to help support their Muslim patient community through this time, please contact your Practice Advisor for advice and direction to the appropriate services.
“Ia tu’u atu i luma o le Atua, e pulepule tutū na te sasa’a mai le manuia e sili ona tele ia i latou ua mafatia.” (Samoan)
(Let us uplift this to God, for Him to pour His blessings upon the many who have suffered)