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Positive Parenting Active Lifestyle Programme (PPAL)

PPAL is a FREE programme for families or caregivers with children under 5 years old, with a BMI in the 91st centile or above.

AH+ has worked closely with ADHB, Triple P and Plunket, to transform the PPAL programme into one that is practical for families, providing education, support and resources around nutrition, active lifestyles and behaviour changes.

In the 2019/20 year, AH+ delivered six group programmes and 38 one-to-one home visit programmes, reaching 80 families. All of the active facilitators were Tongan and bi-lingual classes helped Tongan participants feel comfortable to share more openly. 

During the March 2020 Level 4 lockdown we quickly changed from face-to-face to virtual classes via Zoom, for four groups that had already started their programme. Online learning in this way was uncommon for many from our Pacific community, however, our facilitators helped participants navigate technology and tools, supporting them to successfully and enjoyably complete the programme.

Part of the programme’s success is due to the facilitator’s skills in uncovering the participants’ current knowledge and lifestyle, and then explaining new concepts in a clear and relatable way. This skill was acknowledged by both participants and supporting health workers. “I have to agree, I was so inspired by you last week! The way you were able to get your message across to those communities was amazing!” – ADHB Dietician

Here are just some of the Church and Community groups to successfully complete the PPAL course:

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